Rules to Follow
Park Rules
Flash photography is prohibited.
Do not blow horns, it is strictly prohibited.
Do not chase or trase any animal or bird.
Follow the park safari timetable strictly.
Entry inside the park is prohibited without a valid entry pass and photo ID.
Shouting, teasing or attempt to feed animals are prohibited.
Smoking or drinking liquor is prohibited inside the park.
Do not throw any food items inside the park.
Your permit to the National Park is non transferable so do not try any kind of unfair means.
While Driving strictly follow the speed limit (maximum up to 20 km/h) and keep the vehicle in specified roads and trails.
Maintain a safe distance from animals, let the animal cross the road first as they have first right in forest area.
Keep seated in vehicle do not get down from vehicle inside the park area.
Park is plastic and polythene Free zone, hence do not carry non-biodegradable litter like tin cans, plastic, glass bottle, metal foils etc.
Carrying firearms, lighter, matchbox, inflammable items and any types of sharp items, explosives. firecrackers are strictly prohibited.
Avoid carrying a mobile phone or make sure to keep it on silent or on vibration mode.
Do not carry any kind of radio or musical item with you during safari drive.
Park authority reserves all rights of admission of any person in to the park and if circumstances arises, authority may cancel the permits without sighting any reason.
Points to note
Request to visitors
Please keep proper distance from wildlife.
In the natural environment things cannot be predetermined. Each moment will be unique in itself.
Please dont wear flashy clothes in the forest, wear clothes that match the environment.
Do not expect to see all of the wildlife, be patient.
Please ensure that you and your companions follow all safety measures and do not harm the wildlife in any way.
Tourists should not expect facilities like home in the jungle. Forest area is the jurisdiction of nature and the wildlife living in it and we are only visitors to their house.
Please take care of the convenience of your fellow tourists and maintain a cordial atmosphere.